Practical Exercises

Coding Challenges

Coding challenges are designed to test and improve your programming skills.  

Types of Challenges:

Beginner Simple problems to get you started with basic syntax and logic (e.g., printing a pattern, calculating the sum of numbers).
Intermediate More complex problems that require the use of loops, conditionals and functions (e.g., sorting algorithms, basic data structure manipulations).
Advanced Challenging problems involving algorithms, data structures and real-world scenarios (e.g., graph traversal, dynamic programming).

Example Challenges:

  1. FizzBuzz: Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. For multiples of three, print "Fizz" instead of the number, and for multiples of five, print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five, print "FizzBuzz".
  2. Palindrome Checker: Write a function to check if a given string is a palindrome (reads the same forwards and backwards).
  3. Prime Numbers: Write a program to find all prime numbers up to a specified integer.


Guided Projects to Reinforce Learning

What is Project Work?

Involves working on guided projects that help you apply what you’ve learned in a structured way. 

Benefits of Project Work:

  • Hands-On Experience: Gain practical experience by applying theoretical knowledge.
  • Portfolio Building: Create projects that can be showcased in a portfolio for future opportunities.
  • Deep Learning: Deepen your understanding of concepts by working on real-world applications.

    Types of Guided Projects:

     Beginner Projects
    • Simple Calculator: Build a basic calculator that can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
    • Guess the Number Game: Create a game where the computer randomly selects a number, and the player has to guess it.
    Intermediate Projects
    • Todo List App: Develop a command-line application to manage a list of tasks.
    • Weather App: Use an API to fetch and display the current weather for a given location.
    Advanced Projects
    • Blog Website: Create a simple blog website using a web framework like Flask or Django.
    • Chat Application: Build a real-time chat application using sockets.


    Benefits of Project Work:
    • Hands-On Experience: Gain practical experience by applying theoretical knowledge.
    • Portfolio Building: Create projects that can be showcased in a portfolio for future opportunities.
    • Deep Learning: Deepen your understanding of concepts by working on real-world applications.

    Where to Find Guided Projects:

    • Online Courses: Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Codecademy.
    • Books: Programming books that include project-based learning.
    • Tutorial Websites: Platforms like Real Python, FreeCodeCamp and

    Coding challenges and guided projects reinforce learning and prep for exams and real-world applications.