
What is a database?

  • An organised collection of data stored and accessed electronically.
  • Example: A customer database stores information like names, addresses and purchase history for a business.


SQL (Structured Query Language)

  • Definition: SQL is a standardised language used to manage and manipulate relational databases.
  • Common Commands:
    • SELECT: Retrieves data from a database.
    • INSERT: Adds new data to a table.
    • UPDATE: Modifies existing data.
    • DELETE: Removes data from a table.
    • CREATE: Defines a new table or database.
    • ALTER: Modifies an existing table structure.
    • DROP: Deletes a table or database.


  • SELECT Statement: SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Grade = 'A'; retrieves all students with an 'A' grade.

    Relational Databases

    • Definition: Relational databases organise data into tables (rows and columns) and use relationships to link related data.
    • Key Concepts:
      • Tables: Structures that store data in rows and columns.
      • Primary Key: A unique identifier for each record in a table.
      • Foreign Key: A field that creates a relationship between two tables.
      • Indexes: Structures that improve the speed of data retrieval.


    • Table Structure:
      • Students Table: Contains columns like StudentID, Name, Grade.
      • Courses Table: Contains columns like CourseID, CourseName.
      • Relationship: StudentID in Courses table can reference StudentID in Students table.

      Data Management

      • Definition: Data management involves the practices, processes and tools used to manage and protect data throughout its lifecycle.
      • Key Activities:
        • Data Storage: Efficiently storing data in databases.
        • Data Retrieval: Extracting relevant data using queries.
        • Data Security: Protecting data from unauthorised access and breaches.
        • Data Backup: Creating copies of data to prevent loss.
        • Data Integrity: Ensuring accuracy and consistency of data.


      • Data Backup: Regularly creating copies of the database to protect against data loss.

      Understanding SQL and relational databases is key to efficient, secure data management.